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History This conference can be considered a continuation of previous meetings on Geometry and Mathematical Physics which took place in Bulgaria - Zlatograd (1995) and Varna (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021).
- "Geometry" in the title refers to modern differential geometry of real and complex manifolds with some emphasis on curves, sigma models, minimal surface theory, gravity, cosmology, string theory, holography
- "Integrability" to either the integrability of complex structures or classical dynamical systems of particles, soliton dynamics, exact solutions in gravitational/gauge theories and hydrodynamical flows presented in geometrical form, and
- "Quantization" to the transition from classical to quantum mechanics expressed in geometrical terms, i.e., geometric quantization, operator product expansions, anomalous dimensions, vertex algebras, etc.
The overall aim is to bring together experts in Classical and Modern Differential Geometry, Complex Analysis, Mathematical Physics and related fields to assess recent developments in these areas and to stimulate research in related topics.
Place The Conference will take place in a stimulating environment, which combines a virgin natural landscape with tourist comfort and the unexpected neighbourhood of an ancient historical past. All this in a splendid part of the northern Bulgarian Black Sea coast in the vicinity of Varna.
Organizing Committee Ivaïlo M. Mladenov (Sofia), Vladimir Pulov (Varna), Rutwig Campoamor-Stursberg (Madrid) and Akira Yoshioka (Tokyo)
INRNE Organizing Team Nikolay Nikolov and Todor Popov
Advisory Committee Ramon González Calvet (Barcelona), Valeri Frolov (Edmonton), Guowu Meng (Hong Kong), John Oprea (Cleveland) and Abraham Ungar (North Dakota)
Standing Committee Vladimir Gerdjikov (Sofia), Andrei Ludu (Daytona), Josef Mikes (Olomouc), Gregory Naber (Philadelphia) and Magdalena Toda (Lubbock)
Scientific Programme As previous years we plan to have a few short Lecture Courses of 3--5 talks each and ordinary conference Talks which will be delivered by:
- Ciprian Sorin Acatrinei -Aspects of Noncommutative Dynamics
- Siye Wu -Topological Aspects of Classical and Quantum Gauge Theories
- Andreas Arvanitoyeorgos - Invariant Einstein Metrics on Compact Simple Lie Groups
- Alexander Batkhin - Parametric Representation of Real Orthogonal Symplectic Matrices
- Yacine Barhoumi-Andréani - Integrable Probability: Some Integrable Aspects of Probabilistic Models
- Alexander Bruno - New Integrable Cases in the Euler-Poisson System for Rigid Body Dynamics
- Georgi Bebrov - Encoding Optimum of a Quantum Key Distribution Model
- Oscar Carballal - A Representation Theoretical Approach to Lie-Hamilton Systems Based on the Lie Algebra sp(4,R) and its Applications
- Alina Dobrogowska - A New Look at Lie Algebras
- Ramon González Calvet - On the Stability of the Solar System
- Olena Chepurna - On Information Geometry Methods for Data Analysis
- Rutwig Campoamor-Stursberg - Polynomial Algebras in the Universal Enveloping Algebras of Simple Exceptional Lie Algebras
- Giampiero Esposito - Projective Path to Points at Infinity in Spherically Symmetric Spacetimes
- Dorel Fetcu - Biharmonic and Biconservative Submanifolds in \(CP^n\)
- Vladimir Gerdjikov -Riemann-Hilbert Problems, Polynomial Lax Pairs and Integrable Equations
- Vesselin G. Gueorguiev - Reparametrization Invariance and Its Relation to the Dark Energy and Dark Matter Phenomena
- Francisco J. Herranz -Classical and Quantum Time-Dependent Hamiltonian Systems from Coalgebra Symmetry and Applications
- Vasyl Kovalchuk - Solutions of Heisenberg Models for Spin Distributions on Curved Surfaces of Revolution
- Andrei Ludu - Polygonal Rotating Patterns of Leidenfrost Systems as Cnoidal Waves
- Josef Mikes - Rigidity Questions of Geodesic Mappings and their Generalizations
- Stoyan Mishev - Nucleon-Nucleon Potentials and Neutron Star Equation of State
- Marian Ioan Munteanu - Magnetic Jacobi Fields in Almost Contact Metric Manifolds
- Takemi Nakamura - Dually Flat Structure of the Parametric Family of Ground States of Quantum Statistical Systems
- Abdigappar Narmanov - On the Diffeomorphisms of Foliated Manifolds
- Nikolay Nikolov - Vertex Algebra for Perturbation Theory
- Gulgassyl Nugmanova - Dually Flat Structure of the Parametric Family of Ground States of Quantum Statistical Systems
- Dhriti Sundar Patra - Contact GRA Solitons and Applications to General Relativity
- Patrik Peška - Some Properties of Tensor Decomposition
- Todor Popov - Landau Levels versus Hydrogen Atom
- Francesco G. Russo - Pseudo-Fermionic Operators and Generalized Quaternion Groups
- Akifumi Sako - Ricci Curvature of Some Cayley Graph
- Michail Stoilov - Geometric Quantization of Systems with Second Class Constraints
- Neli Stoilova - Generalized Lie (Super)Algebras and Quantum Statistics
- Shogo Tanimura - Quantization of Constraint System and Homological Commutation Relation of Electric and Magnetic Fluxes
- Magdalena Toda - Generalized Willmore Surfaces and Biophysical Applications
- Valdemar Tsanov - A Numerical Criterion Ffor Non-Emptiness of Kempf-Ness Sets
- Viorica Ungureanu - Global Solutions of GDTREs on Ordered Banach Spaces of Measurable Functions and their Applications to Stochastic Control
- Andres Vina - Holomorphic Gauge Fields on B-Branes
- Lenka Vítková - On Certain Properties of Rotary Mappings
- Angel Zhivkov - Explicit Solutions of Two-Center Problem in the Plane: Negative Energies
Proceedings The Proceedings will be published after peer review process which is carried out by the Editors of the Proceedings Series and the Editorial Board of Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics.
Papers published in either of these Journals will be collected in a special Proceedings volume which will be distributed freely of charge to the registered participants. Besides, since the begining of 2015 all Proceedings volumes are a part of the Euclid
Registration Fee There will be a flat registration fee of €510/€610 for a double/single room accommodation. This fee covers besides the room, the transfers from/to Varna airport, three meals per day, refreshments, the welcome and farewell parties, excursion and a copy of the Conference Proceedings volume. The fee for online participation is €180 which should be transfered after the acceptance of the paper. The registration fee for the accompanying persons in double room accommodation is €350. Payment in US dollars and Bulgarian Levs is accepted at current exchange rates. Please notice that this fee should be paid in cash upon arrival and that no credit cards, personal cheques, bank drafts or travelers cheques can be accepted.
Registration Please, complete and send your Registration Form. If you wish just to receive information about the future meetings, please register here. Deadline for submitting the Registration Forms and Abstracts is 30 May 2024.
Arrival/Departure When the precise data for your travel is available, please complete the Arrival, respectively the Departure form.Accommodation In the
hotel in Sts. Constantine and Elena (hotel Koral is listed under number 26 on the map). It is assumed that 6 June and 13 June are the arrival, respectively the departure days.
Please, notice that there is not a local organizing Committee in Varna and earlier arrival will create a lot of problems. However the stay after the Conference can be arranged.Flight Connections - Varna Airport
International Conference on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Tsarigradsko Chaussee 72, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail: giq@inrne.bas.bg Web: http://geometry.inrne.bas.bg/conference
Phone: + (359 2) 979 6732 Fax: + (359 2) 975 36 19E-mail Addresses:
Ivaïlo M. Mladenov -- mladenov@inrne.bas.bg Vladimir Pulov -- vpulov@hotmail.com Rutwig Campoamor-Stursberg -- rutwig@ucm.es Akira Yoshioka -- yoshioka_a@rs.tus.ac.jp
- XXVIII International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries, 1 July - 5 July 2024 (Prague, Czech Republic)
- XLI Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, 1 July - 6 July 2024 (Białystok, Poland)
- XII Symmetry Festival, 17 July - 20 July 2024 (Pisa, Italy)
- Integrability, Q-systems and Cluster Algebras, 11 August - 18 August 2024 (Varna, Bulgaria)
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Design by M. Hadzhilazova, E-mail: mladenov@inrne.bas.bg All rights reserved. Last update: 23 January, 2024