- On the Dynamics of the Solar System I:
Orbital Inclination and Nodal Precession
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-23-2022-1-38
Ramon González Calvet
Octonionic Planes and Real Forms of \(\text{G}_{2}\), \(\text{F}_{4}\)
and \(\text{E}_{6}\)
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-23-2022-39-57
Daniele Corradetti, Alessio Marrani, David Chester and Raymond Aschheim
(Co)Homology Groups and Categorified Eigenvalues
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-23-2022-59-74
Jumpei Gohara, Yuji Hirota, Keisui Ino and Akifumi Sako
New and Old Parameterizations of the Cassinian Ovals and
Some Applications of Them
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-23-2022-75-98
Ivaïlo M. Mladenov