Pre-Symplectic Structure on the Space of Connections
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-16-2015-188-194
Tosiaki Kori
On New Ideas of Nonlinearity in Quantum Mechanics
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-16-2015-195-206
Vasyl Kovalchuk
Affine Models of Internal Degrees of Freedom and
their Quantization
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-16-2015-207-218
Agnieszka Martens
On the Trajectories of \(U(1)\)-Kepler Problems
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-16-2015-219-230
Guowu Meng
Second Order Symmetries of the Conformal Laplacian
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-16-2015-231-249
Jean-Philippe Michel, Fabian Radoux and Josef Silhan
Classically Integrable Two-Dimensional Non-Linear
Sigma Models
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-16-2015-250-255
Nourddine Mohammedi
The Mylar Balloon: An Alternative Description
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review][Full Text - DjVu] doi:10.7546/giq-16-2015-256-269
Vladimir Pulov, Mariana Hadzhilazova
and Ivaïlo M.
Visible Actions on Generalized Flag Varieties and a Generalization of the Cartan Decomposition
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-16-2015-270-281
Yuichiro Tanaka
Geometric Models for Secondary Structures in Proteins
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-16-2015-282-300
Magdalena Toda and Bhagya Athukorallage
Recursion Operators for Rational Bundle on \(\frak{sl}(3,\mathbb{C})\)
with \(\mathbb{Z}_2 ×\mathbb{Z}_2× \mathbb{Z}_2\) Reduction of Mikhailov Type
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-16-2015-301-311
Alexandar Yanovski
Star Functions: Examples and Applications
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-16-2015-312-326
Akira Yoshioka and Tomoyo Kanazawa